Vesak Day – 2024

Dhammatalaka Peace Pagoda  BUDDHA DAY – VESAK CELEBRATION

Kappiya Job Description

Birmingham Buddhist Vihara Trust

Job Description 

Title: Kappiya – Steward at the Theravadin Buddhist Monastery near the centre of Birmingham

Job Summary: The post of kappiya is a voluntary position for somebody who attends to the needs of the monastery and the resident monks. This is a residential post.

Situation: The monastery (vihara) is one of 3 buildings on site, the others being a pagoda built in Burmese style and a teaching hall which also includes a library used by the head monk and a kitchen and dining hall for large functions. The head monk / Spiritual Director is Burmese. At present there are 2 Burmese and 1 Bangladeshi monk in residence (total 3)

Job Role: Responsible to the trustees, but reports to the head monk for day to day duties

• Prepares and cooks daily meals for the monks
• Attends to the monk’s needs (including visiting monks)
• Shops for the day to day needs of the monastery
• Keeps the monastery, pagoda and teaching hall clean and tidy
• Generally keeps the grounds tidy
• Answers the telephone
• Attends to visiting trades people
• Conducts health and safety checks according to the protocol

• Understands and respects the monks living rules (vinaya)
• Keeps to the 5 precepts while staying at the monastery
• Speaks Burmese and sufficient English
• Able to cook SE Asian food
• Is male as the vihara is for monks
• Able to accept all who come to the vihara irrespective of race, ethnicity, faith or sex
• Is able to be resident at the vihara
• Is a non-smoker and non-vaper
This post is subject to a 3 month trial period and is available for a maximum of 2 years with board and lodging provided.

Kappiya Advert 2023

Birmingham Buddhist Vihara Trust

29/31 Osler Street, Birmingham B16 9EU

0121 454 6591

The Birmingham Buddhist Vihara Trust is seeking a traditional Kappiya (voluntary monastery steward) for the vhara (monastery) in Birmingham. At present there are 3 monks in residence. Main duties to include attending to the monk’s needs and generally looking after the 3 buildings on site. The person appointed must be able to speak Burmese and English and have an understanding of vinya (monks’ rules).
Click here for Job Description and Requirements.

For further information please contact the head monk

Please apply in writing, to the above address or by email to the head monk as above or Ann Lovelock chair of trustees in English, explaining why you would like to undertake such duties giving your name, age, address and current legal status as regards residency in England.

Closing date: 17 th November 2023

29-31 Osler Street,
B16 9EU
Phone: 0121 454 6591

Registered Charity No. 513368
Copyright © Birmingham Buddhist Vihara

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